Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him.—Rev. 1.7

[Laws and Acts: Excerpts provided by]

That is,
Excerpts from the
Laws, Acts, Constitutions, &
Public Declarations
of Sundry Nations


King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven,
and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes
and commandments... But they and our fathers dealt proudly,
and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to
thy commandments
.—Nehemiah 9.13,16.

Reign:James VI
Parliament:The First Parliament of King James the Sixth (1567-12-15 — 1567-12-29)
Session:Only Session of the First Parliament of James VI

1. Anent the constitution of James Erle of Murray in Regent, to our Soveraine Lord, his Realme and Liegis.


1. Anent the constitution of James Earl of Murray in Regent, to our Sovereign Lord, his Realm and Lieges.

ITEM, It is foundin declared, and decerned be our Soveraine Lord, with advise of the three Estaitis, and haill bodie of this present Parliament, that the nominatioun, constitutioun, and ordination of our said Soveraine Lords dearest Cousing, JAMES Erle of Murray, Lord Abernethie, in Regent to his Hienes, his Realme and Liegis thereof, during the time of his Majesties minoritie, and lesse age, specified and expressed in the Queenes Majesties Letters, under her subscriptioun and privie seale, of the date the 24. day of Julij last by-past, togidder alswa with the consent and approbation of the Erles, Lordes, Prelates, Commissioners of Burrowes, Barronnes, and utheris faithful subjects, convened and assembled to that effect. And the acceptation of the said office of Regentrie, be the saide JAMES Erle of Murray, upon the 22. day of August last by-past, was, is, and in all times cumming sall be halden, repute, and esteemed lawful, sufficient, and perfite. And all and whatsumever things, quhilks he hes done be vertew of his said office of Regentrie, sen his acceptation thereof, or quhilks he sall do hereafter, in our said Soveraine Lords name and authoritie, during the time of his hienesse Minoritie, specified in the said commissioun and procuratioun {334} produced, advised and considered, be the said three Estaites, to be as dewlie lawfullie, sufficiently, & righteously done, and to have als great avail, strength force & effect, in all respects and conditions, as ony things done be quhat-sumever Regents, Governours or Protectours of this Realme, in the minorities & lesse aiges of ony uthers native Princes of the same. And ratifies apprevis and confirmis, the same nominatioun and acceptatioun, for now & in time cumming.

ITEM, It is found, declared, and decerned by our Sovereign Lord, with advice of the three Estates, and whole body of this present Parliament, that the nomination, constitution, and ordination of our said Sovereign Lord’s dearest Cousin, JAMES Earl of Murray, Lord Abernethy, in Regent to his Highness, his Realm and Lieges thereof, during the time of his Majesty’s minority, and less-age, specified and expressed in the Queen’s Majesty’s Letters, under her subscription and privy seal, of the date the 24th day of July last by-past, together also with the consent and approbation of the Earls, Lords, Prelates, Commissioners of Burrows, Barons, and others faithful subjects, convened and assembled to that effect. And the acceptation of the said office of Regentry, by the said JAMES Earl of Murray, upon the 22nd day of August last by-past, was, is, and in all times coming shall be held, reputed, and esteemed lawful, sufficient, and perfect. And all and whatsomever things, which he has done be virtue of his said office of Regentry, since his acceptation thereof, or which he shall do hereafter, in our said Sovereign Lord’s name and authority, during the time of his highness’ Minority, specified in the said commission and procuration {334} produced, advised and considered, by the said three Estates, to be as duly, lawfully, sufficiently, & righteously done, and to have as great avail, strength, force, & effect, in all respects and conditions, as any things done be whatsomever Regents, Governours or Protectours of this Realm, in the minorities & less-ages of any other native Princes of the same. And ratifies, approves, and confirms, the same nomination and acceptation, for now & in time coming.

MARIE Be the Grace of God Queene of Scots, to all and sindrie our Judges, & ministers of our Lawes, lieges & subjects, quhom it effeiris, to quhais knawledge thir our letters sall cum, greeting: Forsameikle, as after lang greate and intollerable paines, and labours taken bee us, sen our arrival within our Realme, for Government thereof, and keeping of the Liegis of the samin in quietnes, we have not onely beene vexed in our spirite, body, and senses thereby, bot als at length are altogidder sa wearyed thereof, that our habilitie, and strength of body, is not abil langer to indure the samin.

MARY, By the Grace of God Queen of Scots, to all and sundry our Judges, & ministers of our Laws, lieges & subjects, whom it concerns, to whose knowledge these our letters shall come, greeting: Forsomuch, as after long, great, and intolerable pains, and labours taken by us, since our arrival within our Realm, for Government thereof, and keeping of the Lieges of the same in quietness, we have not only been vexed in our spirit, body, and senses thereby, but also at length are altogether so wearied thereof, that our ability, and strength of body, is not able longer to endure the same,

THEREFOIR, and because na thing earthlie can be mair comfortabill and happy to us in this Earth, nor in our life time to see our deare Sonne, the native Prince of this our Realme, placed in the Kingdome thereof, and the Crowne Royal set on his head, we of our awin free-will, and special motive, have dimitted and renounced the Government, guyding and governing of this our Realme of SCOTLAND, lieges and subjects thereof, in favours of our said Sonne, to that effect that in all times hereafter, he may peaceablie and quietlie enjoy the samin, without trouble, and bee obeyed as native King and Prince of the samin, be the Lieges thereof. And understanding, that be reason of his tender zouth, he is not of habilitie in his awin persoun, to administrate in his Kingly roome and governement, as equitie requyres, quhill that hereafter he come to the zeires of discretioun. And als knawing the proximitie of blude standand betwixt us, our saide Sonne, and our dearest brother JAMES Erle of Murray, Lord Abernethie, &c. And havand experience of the natural affectioun and tenderlie love, he hes in all tymes borne, and presentlie beares towardes us, honour and estaite of our saide Sonne. Of quhais love and favoure towardes him, wee can not bot assure our selfe. To quhome na greater honour, joye, nor felicitie in earth can come, nor to see our saide Sonne inaugurate in his Kingdome, feared, reverenced and obeyed be his lieges thereof. In respect quhairof, and of the certaintie, and notorietie of the honestie, habilitie, qualificatioun and sufficiencie {335} of our saide dearest Brother, to have the cure and regiment of our said Sonne, Realme and lieges foresaids, during our saide Sonnes Minoritie: Wee have made, named, appointed, constitute, and ordained, and be thir our Letters, names, appointes, makes, constitutes and ordainis our said dearest brother JAMES Earle of Murray, Regent to our saide dearest Sonne, Realme, and lieges foresaids, during his Minoritie and les age, and ay and quhill he be of the age of seventene zeirs compleit. And that our said brother be called during the said space, Regent to our said Sonne, his Realme and Liegis. Swa that our said Sonne, after the compleeting of the zeiris foresaidis, in his awin persoun, may tak upon him the said government, and use and exerce all & sindrie priviledges, honouris and utheris immunities, that appertainis to the office of a King, alsweil in governing his Realme and people, according to the Lawis, as in repressing the violence of sik as wald invaid, or injustlie resist him or them, or his Authoritie royal. With power to our said dearest brother JAMES Erle of Murray, in Name, Authoritie and behalfe, of our said maist deare Sonne, to receive resignatiounis of quhat-sumever Lands halden of him, or zit of Offices, Castellis, Towres, Fortalices, Mylnes, Fischings, Woods, Benefices, or pertinentis quhat-sumever: the samin againe in our said Sonnes Name, to gif and deliver signatouris thereupon, and upon the gifts of Wairdes, non-entressis, and relevis of Landis, and Marriages of Airis falland, or that sall happen to fall in our said Sonnes hands as superiour thereof. And als upon presentatioun of Lands, Benefices, Escheitis of guddis movabil and unmovabil, debtis and takkis, respittis, remissiounis, supersedereis, and upon the dispositioun of Offices vacand, or quhen they sall happen to vaik, to subscrive, and cause be past the seillis. The said office of Regentrie, to use and exerce in all thingis, priviledges, and commodities, sik-like als freely, and with als great libertie, as ony Regent or Governour to us, or our Predecessouris used in ony times by-gane, and sik-like as gif every head, priviledge and Artickle, concerning the said Office, were at length expressed and amplified in thir our Letteris. PROMISAND to hald firme and stabil, in the word and faith of ane Prince, quhat-sumever things our said dearest brother in the premissis happinnis to doe. Chargeing heirfore zou all and sindrie, our Judges and Ministers of Law, Liegis and subjectis foirsaidis, to answer and obey to our said dearest brother, in all and sindrie things, concerning the said office of Regentrie, as ze and ilk ane of zou, will declair zou loving subjectis, to our said maist deare Sonne, and under all paine, charge and offence, {336} that ze and ilk ane of zou may commit and inrinne, against his Majestie in that part. Subscrived with our hand, and given under our privie seill, at Lochlevin the 24. day of Julij, And of our Reigne, the twentie five zeir.

THEREFORE, and because no thing earthly can be more comfortable and happy to us in this Earth, than in our lifetime to see our dear Son, the native Prince of this our Realm, placed in the Kingdom thereof, and the Crown Royal set on his head, we of our own free-will, and special motive, have demitted and renounced the Government, guiding and governing of this our Realm of SCOTLAND, lieges and subjects thereof, in favours of our said Son, to that effect that in all times hereafter, he may peaceably and quietly enjoy the same, without trouble, and be obeyed as native King and Prince of the same, by the Lieges thereof. And understanding, that by reason of his tender youth, he is not of ability in his own person, to administrate in his Kingly room and government, as equity requires, until that hereafter he come to the years of discretion. And also knowing the proximity of blood standing betwixt us, our said Son, and our dearest brother JAMES Earl of Murray, Lord Abernethy, &c. And having experience of the natural affection and tender love, he has in all times borne, and presently bears towards us, honour and estate of our said Son. Of whose love and favour towards him, we cannot but assure ourself. To whom no greater honour, joy, nor felicity in earth can come, than to see our said Son inaugurate in his Kingdom, feared, reverenced and obeyed by his lieges thereof. In respect whereof, and of the certainty, and notoriety of the honesty, ability, qualification and sufficiency {335} of our said dearest Brother, to have the care and regiment of our said Son, Realm and lieges foresaids, during our said Son’s Minority: We have made, named, appointed, constitute, and ordained, and by these our Letters, names, appoints, makes, constitutes, and ordains our said dearest brother JAMES Earle of Murray, Regent to our said dearest Son, Realm, and lieges foresaids, during his Minority and less-age, and aye and until he be of the age of seventeen years complete. And that our said brother be called during the said space, Regent to our said Son, his Realm and Lieges. So that our said Son, after the completing of the years foresaids, in his own person, may take upon him the said government, and use and exercise all & sundry privileges, honours and other immunities, that appertain to the office of a King, aswell in governing his Realm and people, according to the Laws, as in repressing the violence of such as would invade, or unjustly resist him or them, or his Authority royal. With power to our said dearest brother JAMES Earl of Murray, in Name, Authority and behalf, of our said most dear Son, to receive resignations of whatsomever Lands held of him, or yet of Offices, Castles, Towers, Fortalices, Mills, Fisheries, Woods, Benefices, or appurtenances whatsomever: the same again in our said Son’s Name, to give and deliver signatures thereupon, and upon the gifts of Wards, nonentrances, and reliefs of Landis, and Marriages of heirs falling, or that shall happen to fall in our said Son’s hands as superiour thereof. And also upon presentation of Lands, Benefices, Escheats of goods moveable and un-moveable, debts and tacks, respites, remissions, supersedeas, and upon the disposition of Offices vaiking [vacant], or when they shall happen to vaik, to subscribe, and cause be past the seals. The said office of Regentry, to use and exerce [exercise] in all things, privileges, and commodities, suchlike as freely, and with as great liberty, as any Regent or Governour to us, or our Predecessours used in any times bygone, and suchlike as if every head, privilege and Article, concerning the said Office, were at length expressed and amplified in these our Letters. PROMISING to hold firm and stable, in the word and faith of a Prince, whatsomever things our said dearest brother in the premises happens to do. Charging herefore you all and sundry, our Judges and Ministers of Law, Lieges and subjects foresaids, to answer and obey to our said dearest brother, in all and sundry things, concerning the said office of Regentry, as ye and each one of you, will declare you loving subjects, to our said most dear Son, and under all pain, charge and offence, {336} that ye and each one of you may commit and inrin [incur], against his Majesty in that part. Subscribed with our hand, and given under our privy seal, at Lochlevin the 24th day of July, And of our Reign, the twenty-fifth year.