Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish ...
thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.
—Matt. 17.27.

Additions from 2008.

Additions from 2007.

Additions from 2006.

Additions from 2005.

Date Author Title
2005.12.07 Richard Rogers Five Sermons about Ehud's Deliverance of Israel from Moab, on Judges 3.10 - 4.1.
2005.11.17 John Calvin 4 Sermons on Isaiah 38, upon the Song that Hezekiah made after he had been sick, and afflicted by the hand of God, useful to instruct those who are under affliction in how they ought to call upon the Lord for deliverance, as well as to instruct those who have been delivered in how they ought to give glory to God so as to make his mercies to be remembered for all time to come.
2005.09.27 English Parliament An Act against Sodomy during the Reign of King Edward VI., 1548.
2005.09.21 Scottish Parliament The Entire Acts of Parliament for the First Parliament of James VI., 1567.
2005.07.28 John McAuley The Duty of Separation
2005.07.23 J. F. Fulton Difference Between the Reformed Presbytery and the So-Called Reformed Presbyterian Synod
2005.07.16 Original Covenanter Essentials and Non-Essentials
2005.05.21 John Bugenhagen (Pomeranus) A Letter to the Faithful Christian Congregation in England, 1536.
2005.05.17 Robert Baillie A Scotch Antidote against the English Infection of Arminianism.
2005.04.20 Alexander Shields Preface and Lecture preached at Distinckorn-Hill, 1688.04.15. On 1 Sam. 15.13-24.
2005.04.13 Synod of Zeeland A Letter to the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, 1643.
2005.03.21 John Calvin A Sermon on 1 Timothy 3:1-4, concerning the qualifications for Shepherds in the Church, wherein is discovered the difference between the Popish Clergy with their wicked Hierarchy, and the true Church of Jesus Christ with the faithful ministers thereof.
2005.02.22 John Calvin A Sermon on 1 Timothy 2:13-15, concerning the true calling of women, the honourableness of housewifery before God, and the purity of God's ordinance of marriage; and likewise shewing the blasphemy and horrible sins into which those fall who despise this blessed vocation.
2005.01.22 James Fisher The False Revivals of the Enemies of our Covenanted Reformation; Or, A Review, &c.
2005.01.10 John Calvin A Sermon on 1 Timothy 2:1,2, concerning the Duty of Civil Rulers to Enforce and Defend the True Religion and True Godliness.

Additions from 2004.

Date Author Title
2004.12.31 Synod of Dort The Judgment of the Synod Holden at Dort Concerning the five Articles.
("The Canons of Dort")
2004.12.23 Robert Rollock Lecture 53 of the Resurrection of Christ: Matth. 28.16-19; Mark 16.15.
2004.12.20 John Welch Sermon 31 on Exodus 20:4-6, concerning the Appointed Means of Worship
2004.12.18 John Howie The Life of John Knox
2004.12.18 John Howie The Life of Robert Rollock
2004.12.16 General Assembly, 1638. The Arminian Heresie Nipt in the Bud
2004.12.10 James Howie The Life and Testimony of James Howie
2004.11.17 Reformation Advocate Why Not Voters!
2004.11.06 Patrick Gillespie Rulers Sins the Causes of National Judgments - A Sermon preached 1650.12.26.
2004.11.03 London Minister The Covenant of Works from The Morning Exercise Methodized
2004.10.28 Edmund Calamy A Sermon on 1 Samuel 4.13, concerning the Ark in Danger
2004.10.15 London Ministers Farewell Sermons: The Prayers of Several of these Divines.
2004.09.06 Edmund Calamy The Great Danger of Covenant-Refusing and Covenant-Breaking
2004.08.16 Thomas Boston Of the Sixth Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill."
2004.08.10 Thomas Watson A Sermon against Popery.
2004.07.01 Zacharius Ursinus The Lord's Supper: from Ursinus' Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism
2004.06.18 J.W. Shaw Attachment to Zion: A Sermon on Psalm 137.5,6. (1852.)
2004.06.02 Donald Cargill Last Speech & Testimony, and Four Letters further discovering his Testimony.
2004.06.02 Donald Cargill Bio, Lectures, & Sermons from Sermons in Times of Persecution
2004.05.29 Alexander Shields Bio, Lecture, & Sermons from Sermons in Times of Persecution
2004.05.25 Robert Traill Stedfast Adherence to the Profession of Our Faith: Sermon 13, on Christian Fellowship.
2004.05.25 Robert Traill Stedfast Adherence to the Profession of Our Faith: Sermon 12, on Believing God's Promises concerning Eternal Life and Christ's Kingdom.
2004.05.22 English Parliament An Ordinance of Parliament for the Ordination of Ministers pro Tempore, according to the Directory for Ordination, 1644.
2004.05.20 Alexander Shields The Humble Proposals of Alexander Shields to the General Assembly, 1690.
2004.05.20 John Howie The Life of Alexander Shields
2004.05.15 London Ministers An Apologetical Declaration of the Conscientious Presbyterians of the Province of London, and of many thousands of other faithful, and Covenant-keeping Citizens, etc., etc. 1649.01.24.
2004.05.05 John Calvin The Best Method of Obtaining Concord, Provided the Truth be Sought without Contention. (Concerning the Lord's Supper.)
2004.05.03 Contending Witness Plain Reasons for Presbyterians Dissenting: A Summary Article.
2004.04.23 Donald Cargill A Lecture and Sermon Concerning Jehoshaphat's Association with Ahab.
2004.04.10 Hugh Binning Three Sermons on the Invitation of the Gospel.
2004.04.08 David Dickson Therapeutica Sacra: Chapter 6: Of the Covenant of Grace.
2004.04.02 RPCNA Reformation Principles Exhibited
2004.03.29 Original Covenanter Historical Testimony.
2004.03.25 Original Covenanter Temperance.
2004.03.20 John Howie The Life of Patrick Hamilton
2004.02.24 David Dickson Therapeutica Sacra: Chapter 5: Of the Covenant of Works.
2004.02.20 Aurelius Augustin A Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance
2004.02.17 Original Covenanter Marks of the True Church.
2004.02.13 Richard Cameron The Bond of Mutual Defence.
2004.02.13 David Hackston An Account of the Battle at Airsmoss.
2004.02.13 Charles II, etc. Act of Supremacy, Declarations of Indulgence, Related Instructions.
2004.02.13 Cloud of Witnesses A Short Relation concerning Mr. Richard Cameron.
2004.02.09 Charles II. A Proclamation Declaring Mr. Richard Cameron, and others, Rebels and Traitors, &c.
2004.02.09 Richard Cameron Bio, Lectures, & Sermons from Sermons in Times of Persecution
2004.02.09 John Howie The Life of Richard Cameron
2004.01.01 An Ayrshire shepherd lad The Vision; or, The Cameronian's Dream.