Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.—2 Thess 2.15

Select Writings



Minister of the Gospel

And Professor of Divinity.



True Christian Love.

Honey Drops, or Crystal Streams; Flowing from Christ, the Fountain & Head thereof.

Sight through a Glass, and Face to Face.


Truth’s Victory over Error.

Therapeutica Sacra:

  • Chapter 4: Of Divine Covenants about the eternal salvation of men; and in special, of the Covenant of Redemption, shewing that there is such a Covenant, and what are the articles thereof.
  • Chapter 5: Of the Covenant of Works.
  • Chapter 6: Of the Covenant of Grace.
  • Book 3 / Chapter 7: Concerning the case of the Convert in some point of doctrine Deluded, and pleasing himself in this condition.
  • Book 3 / Chapter 28 / Question 4: How may the Convert know and be certain of his Justification?

Speeches & Letters:

The Arminian Heresie Nipt in the Bud: A Discussion in General Assembly, 1638.